අටවිසි පිරිත - Atawisi Piritha

අටවිසි පිරිත - Atawisi Piritha

Protective Chant Of Twenty-Eight Buddhas

1. Tanhankaro mahāvīro - Medhankaro mahāyaso
Tanhankara, the great hero; Medhankara, of great honour;

Saranankaro lokahito - Dīpankaro jutindharo.
Saranankara, abode of love; Dīpankara, the lustrous light.

2. Kondañño jana-pāmokkho - Mangalo puri-sāsabho.
Kondañña, the people’s lord; Mangala, the Man Supreme;

Sumano Sumano dhīro - Revato rati vaddhano.
Sumana, the good-hearted sage; Revata, who enhanced joy.

3. Sobhito gunasampanno - Anomadassī januttamo.
Sobhita, with virtue crowned; Anomadassi, chief of men;

Padumo loka pajjoto - Nārado vara sārathī.
Paduma, a guiding lamp to all worlds; Nārada, the charioteer unsurpassed;

4. Padumuttaro sattasāro - Sumedho agga puggalo
Padumuttara, peerless being; Sumedha, the paramount;

Sujāto sabba lokaggo - Piyadassī narāsabho.
Sujāta, chief of all the worlds; Piyadassī, mankind’s lord;

5. Atthadassī kāruniko - Dhammadassī tamonudo
Atthadassī, compassion-grained; Dhammadassī, who dispelled gloom;

Siddhattho asamo loke - Tisso varada samvaro.
Siddhattha, matchless in the world; Tissa, restrained giver of the best;

6. Phusso varada sambuddho - Vipassī ca anūpamo
Phussa, all-seeing donor of the goal; Vipassī, the unrivalled one;

Sikhī sabba hito satthā - Vessabhū sukhadāyako.
Sikhī, leader of boundless love; Vessabhū, dispenser of bliss;

7. Kakusandho satthavāho - Konāgamano ranañjaho
Kakusandha, caravan-guide of sentient beings; Konāgamana, done with strife;

Kassapo siri-sampanno - Gotamo sakya pungavo.
Kassapa, of perfect radiance; Gotama, the Sakya’s glory;

8. Tesam saccane sīlena - Khanti metta balena ca
By the power of their Truthfulness and Virtues; Patience and Loving-kindness;

Tepi mam/tvam anurakkhantu - Ārogyena sukhena cā’ti.
may it be a shield around me/you, may health and happiness be mine/yours!

9. Attha vīsati’me Buddhā — Puretvā dasa pāramī
These twenty-eight Buddhas, having fulfilled the Ten Perfections,

Jetvā mārāri sangāmam — Buddhattam samupāgamum.
defeated the hosts of the Evil One, and attained Enlightenment;

Etena sacca vajjena — Hotu me/te jayamangalam.
By the power of this truth, may joyous victory be mine/yours;

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